
The International Hyperhidrosis Society News Blog is the only publication dedicated solely to the needs of hyperhidrosis sufferers, their loved ones, and the physicians and scientists who care for them. Alerts and news are published throughout the year and conveniently delivered to tens of thousands of global subscribers by email. If you haven't already subscribed to this groundbreaking resource from the International Hyperhidrosis Society, sign up today!


4 Things You Gotta Know 

After a dozen years of no new medical treatments for hyperhidrosis, several new products are in development. At the recent American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting Dr. David Pariser (co-founder of the International Hyperhidrosis Society and former president of the AAD) presented data from early studies of two new topical (applied on top of the skin) medications that could become valuable new treatment options for people plagued by excessive sweating.

The news is exciting but so is what it represents. Progress. Attention. Resources! And crucial International Hyperhidrosis Society involvement. Read the full story and discover why this just might be the Tipping Point. #Hope4Hyperhidrosis


5 Things to Look for in Successful Hyperhidrosis Care

Heading to the doctor’s office (again) to try (again) to get the right treatment for that I-Sweat-Buckets problem? Use our checklist to help you find a great (maybe even ideal) doctor like Dr. Zakiya Rice at Emory…

Don’t Sweat Valentine’s Day: 4 Simple Steps

Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is here to stay. But for those of us who sweat (a lot) Valentine’s Day can be really scary. Here are some tips to help.

miraDry #TripleThreat Zaps Underarm Sweat, Odor and Now... Hair Growth!

We’ve known since 2011 that the miraDry microwave medical device, used in dermatologists’ offices, can permanently destroy underarm sweat glands and stop underarm sweating. But now the makers of miraDry have announced their microwave technology is also a great way to zap away hair follicles – making underarms free of sweat, odor, and hair.

New Gel Reports Sweat-Busting Results

A new gel to fight excessive underarm sweating has been found to provide meaningful relief (i.e. a 2-grade improvement in the Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Score). Thanks to everyone who participated in the research. Ready for more?

The Right Kind of Credit: EDU that Changes Lives

What’s a Hyperhidrosis Master Class all about?

According to our beloved Pacific Northwest advocate in medical education, Robert Sidbury, MD, Dermatology Division Chief and Associate Professor, Seattle Children's Hospital: “On behalf of my team here at Seattle Children's, the other providers who attended, but especially our patients present and future: Thank you!!! The program was uniformly well-received and as one attendee stated: ‘What CME should be, but almost always never is.’” (CME is accredited Continuing Medical Education that must adhere to stringent guidelines for being non-biased and evidence-based. Medical professionals must accumulate a certain number of credits per year. The amount varies state by state.)

04b818f4 94fd 4614 99a9 1845776a2383Improve Hyperhidrosis Care by Leveraging the Power of PAs 

Now more than ever, Physician Assistants (PA) are providing quality care and improved access to care across the nation and across medical specialties. In dermatology in particular, PAs have the potential to make a huge difference in the lives of hyperhidrosis patients by providing the latest hyperhidrosis treatments, and combinations of treatments, to meet individual needs. Studies show that most hyperhidrosis patients visit five different doctors before they either give up or, finally, get some adequate care for their sweating problems. Wouldn't it be better to get the right, modern treatment the first time from an IHHS-trained PA?

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