Rockin' the End of 2019 for Hh Awareness, Education, Advocacy, Research, and More!
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Derms & AAD Playing Key Role in COVID-19 Symptom Research
You've likely heard about 'COVID toes' and other skin symptoms that are being associated with COVID-19 infection. If not, here's a quick catch-up. There are numerous dermatology signs being reported with COVID-19, including:
Black Lives Matter
To Our Community,
The International Hyperhidrosis Society condemns the actions of the killers of George Floyd, as well as all those involved in the deaths of Ahmaud Abert, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Rodney King, and the many others who have lost their lives and experienced great harm as part of the suffering inflicted upon Black and other allies of color over generations upon generations around the world.
Can Sweat Spread COVID-19?
Wondering how sweating might impact risk of coronavirus transmission? We've got perspectives from experts that we think you'll find useful... and reassuring.
Here at the International Hyperhidrosis Society, we focus on a full range of sweat topics. From excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) to the absence of sweating (anhidrosis), we strive to provide trustworthy, expert-derived information to keep you up-to-date and prepared.
No Sweat, Colored Sweat, Bloody Sweat, Smelly Sweat, & Extreme Sweat
There's more than one way to sweat. And while we (kinda) love sweat and fully embrace how essential it is to human survival and functioning, even we have to admit that some types of sweating might just freak a person out.
Blood? Blue? Green? Stink?
Rockin' the End of 2019 for Hh Awareness, Education, Advocacy, Research, and More!
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