To ease the process of obtaining reimbursement from a U.S. health insurance organization for the purchase of a home-use iontophoresis device (for the treatment of sweaty hands, sweaty feet, and sometimes sweaty underarms), there are resources available.
Print the forms below ahead of time and take them to your medical appointment. We encourage you to also call your insurance company prior to purchasing an iontophoresis device to learn their specific coverage/reimbursement policies in regard to this treatment.
Links to some major policies are provided here as well as information about the support iontophoresis device companies can provide:
You can also look on our Fan Fave page to see if there are any iontophoresis devices that are offering special discounts. Periodically they do.
You and your clinician may need these codes when filing for insurance coverage:
Iontophoresis Procedure Codes:
97033 - Iontophoresis, each 15 minutes, physicians typically bill for 2-4 units depending on how many areas are treated.
99211 - Pertains to an evaluation and management (E/M) service. Defined as an office or other outpatient visit “that may not require the presence of a physician.” Usually, the presenting problem(s) are minimal. Typically, five minutes are spent performing or supervising these services.
99213 - Can be utilized for a mid-level outpatient or inpatient office visit. It is a level three code that should be used for an established patient.
Use -25 modifier for significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service by the same physician on the same day of the procedure or other service.
ICD-10 Codes:
For reimbursement purposes use the more specific codes when possible:
L74.512 – Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis, Palms
L74.513 – Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis, Soles
L74.510 - Primary focal hyperhidrosis, axilla
L74.5 - Focal Hyperhidrosis
L74.51 - Primary Focal Hyperhidrosis
Keep in mind that iontophoresis is a learned technique. Ideally, you perform the technique at home using your own iontophoresis device after detailed training and practice under a healthcare professional’s supervision. For tips on making the most of iontophoresis, click here.
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