In the slideshow above you can see members of the hyperhidrosis community working together to create an artistic display that shares what it's like to live with excessive sweating. (C) Photographs and webcast are the property of the International Hyperhidrosis Society. All rights reserved. Use by any individual or entity strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted. Special thanks to Ron Adelberg and Level A Productions for providing spectacular and compassionate photo-documentation of the Patient-Focused Drug Development on Hyperhidrosis event.
In 2017, the International Hyperhidrosis Society hosted a ground-breaking Patient-Focused Drug Development meeting (PFDD) on hyperhidrosis. This was a ground-breaking, first-of-its-kind event with approximately 125 hyperhidrosis sufferers, advocates, clinicians and regulators attending in-person and 350 attending via the live webcast.
You can access key, informative outputs from that meeting here, including: a slideshow (above), an inspirational video (scroll down, it's waiting for you below), a white paper/report, webcast transcript, and meeting transcript. Also available is a research poster presented to the American Academy of Dermatology based on PFDD data, and an exclusive podcast (direct listen below).
Hyperhidrosis sufferers were the experts at the PFDD; bravely sharing their stories and struggles. Representatives from the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, medical device makers and other innovators listened and learned about what it’s like to have hyperhidrosis, how the medical system often fails sufferers, and the types of treatment options that are critically important for the future.
If you or a loved one lives with excessive sweating, this was your meeting. Your participation, feedback and support helped to make it possible and all the outputs reflect the experiences and insights of true experts – people like you who live with and suffer with hyperhidrosis
We hope you will review and SHARE the slideshow above, the Voice of the Hypherhidrosis Sufferer report, the webcast and meeting transcripts, research poster, and podcast (Nov. 17, 2019 episode).
Date Released: 18 November 2019
Today, we’re talking data; specifically, International Hyperhidrosis Society research presented at the American Academy of Dermatology’s 2019 Annual Meeting. In the form of a scientific poster and poster presentation we shared with thousands of dermatologists the key themes and experiences hyperhidrosis (Hh) sufferers repeatedly articulate. How do Hh sufferers -- like you -- describe life with excessive sweating? What’s the search for treatment been like? And what are the hopes for the future? Can you relate? Listen and find out. Made possible by listeners like you.
We thank the generous support of Dermira, RA Fischer, Brickell Biotech, Hidrex USA, and private donors for making this landmark initiative possible.
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