
Oklahoma City Resident Selected For International Hyperhidrosis Society Audio Project In Washington, D.C.

Mother-daughter duo record #MyHhStory to raise awareness of excessive sweating condition

For Immediate Release:

September 4, 2019: (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Four hyperhidrosis sufferers and their companion storytellers have recorded personal stories at The Line Hotel's Full Service Radio in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the audio project is to reveal unscripted interviews that provide the public with an authentic glimpse of living with extreme, uncontrollable sweating. Called hyperhidrosis, the medical condition affects approximately 4.8 percent of the population and has been linked to higher rates of depression, anxiety and attention deficit disorder.

Hyperhidrosis Doesn’t Treat Itself

Raising Awareness Among Healthcare Providers Because, When a Clinician Understands Excessive Sweating, It Makes All the Difference

For Immediate Release:

Center Valley, PA, Nov. 7, 2018--

Great hyperhidrosis care requires great partnerships with healthcare providers who understand the serious impacts of excessive sweating.

As part of Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month 2018, the International Hyperhidrosis Society ran clinical-facing advertisements and public service announcements in medical professional publications during November.

#MyHhStory AUDIO Project

#MyHhStory AUDIO Project

Excessive Sweating Story Will Be Selected for Professional Recording & Archived in Library of Congress

Center Valley, PA, Nov. 2, 2018

When someone suffers from hyperhidrosis (Hh), or excessive sweating, it often becomes a big part of their story.

To help honor November 2018's Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month, one contributor to the International Hyperhidrosis Society’s #MyHhStory AUDIO project, along with a companion storyteller of their choice, will be selected to travel to meet with the International Hyperhidrosis Society (IHhS) for a professional recording session. The recording will be added to IHhS’ NEW listening library and archived in the Library of Congress.  With 365 million people directly affected by excessive sweating, the Hh story needs to be honored, documented and shared.


November 2018's Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month

November 2018's Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month: IHhS Reminds Us, Sweat is on the Surface, but the Pain of Hyperhidrosis Runs Deep

For immediate release: October 29, 2018

Center Valley, PA:

365 million people suffer with excessive, uncontrollable sweating or hyperhidrosis, but often feel alone.

International Hyperhidrosis Society Data Reveals Delays in Medical Care for Common, Disabling Condition

Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Releases Breaking Sweat Research

For Immediate Release - April 24, 2018

Center Valley, PA:

New research in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology shows that people suffering from chronic, extreme sweating (the medical condition hyperhidrosis) wait 3 to 10+ YEARS before seeking treatment and that the most commonly recommended treatments for this often “secret,” yet disabling, genetic condition provide the least satisfaction.

November 2017 was Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month!

Bringing Advocacy, Action and a Brighter Future

 For Immediate Release – Dec. 5, 2017

(Charleston, S.C.) — November 1, 2017 launched the inaugural Hyperhidrosis (Hh) Awareness Month!

Why? Because the more people who know about Hh (excessive sweating), the sooner there will be a cure, and improved access to treatment.

Hyperhidrosis is NOT a cosmetic problem, a weather-related problem, a hormone problem, an anxiety problem, a weight problem, an exercise problem, a drug problem, or a personality problem…

It’s a common, medical, serious, life-damaging, under-recognized and under-cared-for problem, and the International Hyperhidrosis Society wants everyone to know it.

Those who followed the International Hyperhidrosis Society on Facebook and Twitter during the entire month of November had access to give-aways, to learn useful Hh life hacks, and to help raise awareness about how life-altering and under-treated excessive sweating can be.

Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month helped to:

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