
A Different Kind of Valentine’s Day Story

“I knew he was the one for me when he held my hand without flinching, even when I tried to pull away out of embarrassment. He told me he didn’t care and continued to hold my hand.”

This early tender moment eventually led to love, an engagement, and an unforgettable wedding day. But to Therese Hernando, it meant more than just a romantic gesture. It literally affected her skin-deep.

Therese has suffered with a dermatologic disorder called hyperhidrosis since she was six years old, leaving her with perpetually wet hands and feet. Throughout her teen years, socializing was difficult since her condition made her shy about shaking hands with new friends or holding hands on dates. The moment her future husband held her hands, she hoped worries about her sweaty palms were behind her. They were, until she started to plan the wedding.

Hyperhidrosis Recognized as Legitimate Skin Disease by Major Health Organizations

After years of seeking legitimacy as a bonafide skin disease affecting 367 million people worldwide, hyperhidrosis, an excessive sweating disorder, has been recognized as such by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) and the Coalition of Skin Diseases (CSD). “The real victory here is for the millions of men, women and children who are afflicted with this disease,” said David Pariser, MD former president of the American Academy of Dermatology and founding board member of the International Hyperhidrosis Society (IHHS). “For so long, they have suffered in isolation and shame from a condition not understood by the public and even members of the medical community. Today, I join them in taking this thrilling next step in our steady climb towards global awareness and education.”

As the leading authority on hyperhidrosis, IHHS has put substantial medical muscle behind this website, We provide information and hope to affected individuals and families looking for answers on dealing with this debilitating condition – which may be covered by insurance. Our hyperhidrosis Physician Finder database helps individuals locate IHHS-trained doctors worldwide.

Hyperhidrosis is a treatable medical condition that results in sweating that exceeds the normal amount required to maintain consistent body temperature – up to five times the average volume. (The age of onset can be as young as infancy and usually by early-to-mid teens). The excessive sweating occurs regardless of environmental surroundings – people with hyperhidrosis sweat profusely nearly all day, every day. Primary hyperhidrosis can affect one or more body areas, most often the palms, armpits, soles of the feet or face and sometimes the groin and under the breasts in men and women. Secondary hyperhidrosis, however, is generalized, typically involving sweating over the whole body and caused by an underlying condition like diabetes or medication like some popular anti-depressants.

“IHHS now has tremendous partners in advocacy in the NORD and CSD communities. Their commitment to increased awareness, research and education mirrors our own,” said IHHS Executive Director Lisa J. Pieretti.

The National Organization for Rare Disorders is a unique non-profit federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare ‘orphan’ diseases. This voluntary health agency is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research and service. For more information, visit their website at

The Coalition of Skin Diseases consists of several organizations that represent patients suffering from some of the 3,000 known types of skin disease. The groups share a common mission of educating patients, advocacy and supporting skin disease research that will lead to new treatments and cures. Learn more about them by visiting

Lisa J. Pieretti 

School Nurses Bring Hope to Sweaty Kids: Virginia Schools Kick-off “Know Sweat In School” campaign

As the summer on melts into the first days of the new school year, kids across the country begin the oh-so-painful adjustment from carefree to classroom. But for thousands of Virginia school division students, the school nurse will be ready to help them adjust to a more socially difficult situation - excessive sweating.

Sadly, most children who experience excessive sweating symptoms (or hyperhidrosis) aren't aware they have a treatable condition or are too afraid to talk to anyone -- even parents -- about the problem. The Know Sweat in School campaign was created specifically to tackle this issue. Thanks to a grant from Secret Clinical Strength(R) and Gillette Clinical Strength(R) antiperspirants, the International Hyperhidrosis Society (IHHS) has just developed a kit to bring essential education and support to school children through the familiar face of the school nurse.

During the month of September, a sampling of registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) throughout Virginia's 132 school divisions will be sent a Know Sweat in School kit to increase their awareness of hyperhidrosis. The eventual goal is to provide kits to all 1,200 school nurses throughout the state.

"The nurse's office is a safe haven for most school kids," said Tia Campbell, school health specialist in the Virginia Department of Education's Office of Special Education & Student Services. "For many children, the school nurse is the only healthcare professional they have, so it's a good place to begin for a child with questions. While we don't diagnose, we can refer a child with any concerns to the appropriate physician."

Elements of the Know Sweat in School kit include:

Nurse Information Sheet (describing hyperhidrosis in medical terms)
Several teen-oriented posters for display
Handouts for students with excessive sweating concerns
Teen Sweat booklets (in easy-to-understand language)
Samples of clinical strength antiperspirants with directions on proper usage

Children with additional questions can access specific information and a list of local doctors trained in hyperhidrosis diagnosis and treatment at

Excessive sweating is a dermatological condition affecting at nearly 5% percent of the world population. The disorder can cause an otherwise healthy person to produce up to five times more sweat than is normal or necessary. Symptoms usually start in the early- to mid-teen years. Already an awkward time of growth and development for most children, the added pressure of dealing with a 'sweating problem' around peer groups in a classroom setting can be devastating to both self-esteem and grades. Children can end up scared to raise their hands in class for fear of embarrassment from sweat stains; often sitting in the back row under a dark 'Hoodie' to keep their condition hidden.

"Hyperhidrosis is the number one dermatological disease in terms of negatively affecting a person's quality of life, yet is also number one in having the most dramatically positive impact on people's live when treated. We help to educate medical professionals so they can diagnose symptoms earlier. Caught early, this can literally change the life of a young person with the condition," said Dr. David Pariser, founding IHHS board member and former president of the American Academy of Dermatology.

The Know Sweat in School program was made possible with the support of Secret Clinical Strength(R) and Gillette Clinical Strength(R) antiperspirants.

About the International Hyperhidrosis Society

The International Hyperhidrosis Society is an independent non-profit organization committed to reducing the symptoms, anxiety and social stigma associated with excessive sweating of an estimated 367 million affected children, teens and adults worldwide. The IHHS supports hyperhidrosis research, educates healthcare professionals in optimal diagnosis and care, raises awareness about the condition's emotional and economic impacts, and advocates for patient access to effective treatments while increasing public understanding of this debilitating medical condition.

The International Hyperhidrosis Society's Web site,, includes a Physician Finder to help anyone with excessive sweating to find medical help, information on additional treatment options, and a comprehensive collection of insurance and reimbursement tools, including downloadable forms, which can help sufferers work with their physicians and health insurance plans to get the correct coverage for necessary treatments. There are practical tips to make the most out of appointments with physicians and information on clinical trials and a blog helps keep everyone current on hyperhidrosis news and medical breakthroughs. 

International Hyperhidrosis Society(R) is a registered trademark of the International Hyperhidrosis Society.

Secret Clinical Strength(R) and Gillette Clinical Strength(R) are registered trademarks of Procter and Gamble.

Dr. Pariser is available for interviews.

Lisa J. Pieretti 

5 Myths and 1 Truth about Summer Sweat

Spring has sprung, which means summer sweat is not far behind. After the record-topping, thermometer-popping swelter of last year, it’s time to know the facts and fallacies about handling the heat. The Sweat Experts at the International Hyperhidrosis Society® are on-hand to debunk the myths and share the truth to help keep you cool throughout summer.

Myth #1: Antiperspirants are for sweaty underarms only.
Think outside the pits! You can glide, stick, spray, and roll-on antiperspriants nearly anywhere that sweating is a problem (think sweaty hands, feet, face, back, chest, and even groin). Just be smart and talk to your dermatologist first before applying an antiperspirant to sensitive areas and test the product on a small patch of skin first.

Myth #2: Sweaty people are out-of-shape, nervous or have hygiene issues.
Don’t judge the sweat! The average person has 2 to 4 million sweat glands -- essential to human survival since they work as the body’s coolant, protecting it from overheating. Athletes actually sweat more than other people because their bodies have become very efficient at keeping cool.

Myth #3: You should ditch the stick because antiperspirants can cause breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
Don’t be an April fool! There is no scientific evidence to support either claim. In fact, the American Cancer Society and the Alzheimer’s Association have refuted the rumor that antiperspirants (specifically the aluminum salts used as active ingredients) are linked to cancer or Alzheimer’s. Cut dietary salt to avoid health risks.

Myth #4: Like caffeine, antiperspirants are best used in the morning.
Skip the bedtime espresso but DO use your antiperspirant in the p.m. as well as the a.m. Sweat production is at its lowest at night, giving the active ingredients in antiperspirants a better chance to get into your pores and block perspiration in the morning when you really get moving.

Myth #5: Surgery is the only way to stop excessive sweating.
Ouch! Not only is this untrue, it’s a tragic myth. Side effects of ETS surgery (endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy) can create issues worse than the original sweat problem. For 90% of patients, post-surgery ‘compensatory’ sweating on the back, chest, abdomen, legs, face, and buttocks doesn’t go away. Try clinical strength antiperspirants, iontophoresis, Botox injections, liposuction, or the electromagnetic treatment, miraDry, before turning to surgery.

Truth: Excessive sweating is a treatable skin disease affecting nearly 367 million people worldwide. Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a real and recognized medical condition that causes people to sweat 4 or 5 times more than normal. It can disrupt all aspects of a person's life, from career choices and recreational activities to relationships, emotional well-being, and self-image. But there is help, support and effective treatment. Explore our website further to learn more, find a hyperhidrosis doctor, or download information for you or that sweaty someone you love.

About the International Hyperhidrosis Society
IHHS is an independent non-profit organization committed to reducing the symptoms, anxiety and social stigma associated with the excessive sweating condition of approximately 367 million affected children, teens and adults worldwide.

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