According to data collected by International Hyperhidrosis Society researchers and presented at the recent American Academy of Dermatology’s (AAD) 2017 Annual Meeting, 17% of teens (nearly 1 in 5) experience excessive, uncontrollable sweating!
That's at least SEVEN TIMES MORE teens affected than reported by prior studies, which put prevalence statistics at only 1.6% to 2.1%.
Additionally, the International Hyperhidrosis Society study found that among those teens affected by excessive sweating:
-- 75% indicate daily impairment from sweating is major or moderate.
-- More than 25% reported onset at or before age 10.
-- Average reported age of onset is 11 years.
Dr. Adelaide Hebert, co-author of the research abstract, founding board member of the International Hyperhidrosis Society, President of the Women's Dermatologic Society, pediatric dermatologist, and professor at the UTHealth McGovern Medical School presented the data at the AAD meeting.
“Our results," she says, "show an even greater need than previously recognized for the accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of excessive sweating in teens and children. The teen and pre-teen years are an important time in young people’s development of self-concept; helping them to thrive includes the appropriate management of impactful health conditions – like excessive sweating.”
Lisa J Pieretti, Executive Director of the International Hyperhidrosis Society and lead investigator of the study adds, “These are important results for pediatricians, pediatric dermatologists, school nurses, parents, and teens. By helping to increase awareness of the problem, we hope we can inspire teens to bring their excessive sweating issues out into the open – and for medical professionals to provide more empathetic, effective management. Our organization is uniquely and powerfully positioned to conduct this type of research, and we were delighted to have been chosen among a select few research groups to present our data at the American Academy of Dermatology 2017 Annual Meeting.”
To collect the data, the International Hyperhidrosis Society surveyed a US-representative, national online consumer panel of teens. The research was made possible by the generous support of GlaxoSmithKline’s non-interventional grant program, which provided the necessary funding to the International Hyperhidrosis Society. The results were accepted to be presented as an abstract at the prestigious AAD Late Breaking Research Forum. Researchers will submit a full manuscript including additional data for medical journal peer-review later this year. Watch this blog for updates.
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