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So Extra!
Cringeworthy Medical Conditions That Are Just Too Much.
What happens when your body goes haywire creating good stuff in excessive amounts? Often, it’s not pretty.
In honor of November’s Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month, we’re explaining eight medical issues that are so extra.
Acne: Oils naturally moisturize and protect your skin. Too much, however, and pores can plug up with grease, dead skin, and bacteria; causing whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and even painful cysts. Complications of acne include scarring, serious infections and, of course, anxiety, stress and diminished self-confidence.
Impacted ear wax: Ear wax or cerumen is supposed to help our ears. Made of dead skin cells, hair and a special glandular discharge, ear wax is lubricating and has antibacterial properties. Extra wax, though, can cause blockages in the ear canal, hearing loss, pain, itchiness, dizziness, and even odor. Uh, no thanks.
Onychogryphosis: Our nails help us pick up, scratch off, separate, and hold onto things. Both fingernails and toenails also help protect our digits from injury. But when nails seriously overgrow, that’s called onychogryphosis (meaning “ram's horn nails”). With onychogryphosis, nails can appear ‘oyster-like’ or horn-like and be difficult to cut.
Psoriasis: If a person has psoriasis, skin cells grow about five times faster than normal, creating plaques. These are flaky, crusty patches covered with scales that are itchy and can crack or bleed. Pain, burning or stinging sensations can also occur. The immune system is related, as are triggers like stress, cold weather, and allergies.
Hypertrichosis: Too much hair can present an embarrassing - although rare - problem. Hypertrichosis or “werewolf syndrome” is when a person has increased hair either all over the body or in patches. In some cases, excess hair may grow up to 4 inches long. Causes aren’t well understood, but this condition tends to run in families.
Distichiasis: Based on the booming market for mascara, fake eyelashes, and Latisse®, you’d think growing double eyelashes would be welcome. But having extra eyelashes is actually a rare medical condition called distichiasis. With distichiasis, a person has two rows of lashes. Some people can live comfortably with the added fringes, but others experience vision problems, light sensitivity, pain, swelling, styes, droopy eyelids, or other irritation. Maybelline seems like a safer choice.
Hyperdontia: Teeth help us eat, give our faces shape, and allow us to speak clearly. Socially, our smiles are crucial when we interact with each other. But too many teeth? That’s called hyperdontia and it can cause cosmetic concerns, but also pain or swelling in the jaw or gums.
Hyperhidrosis: We all need to sweat to control our body temperatures so our organs can function. But when sweating is excessive - happening in extra amounts no matter the ambient temperature, how much we’re exercising, or what sort of stress we’re under - that’s called hyperhidrosis. People with hyperhidrosis can sweat through multiple layers of clothing, damage phones and computers due to their wet hands, and even slip and fall because their feet are so slick. Unlike most of the conditions mentioned here, hyperhidrosis is actually not rare - it affects nearly 5% of people. Only acne on this list is more common.
365 million people worldwide live with hyperhidrosis, an underserved medical condition (with 27% of adults NEVER diagnosed!) that nearly TRIPLES anxiety and depression risks.
The impacts of hyperhidrosis’ uncontrollable and unpredictable sweating range from:
- Feelings of intense discomfort due to wet clothing, dripping perspiration, slippery skin, and chilling dampness, to...
- Stigma, embarrassment, and significantly increased risks of depression, anxiety and attention deficit disorder.
Together, we can lift hyperhidrosis out of hiding so people experiencing the condition can find treatment.
Join us during November’s Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month to spread the word that hyperhidrosis (excessive or EXTRA sweating) is a serious medical condition deserving of serious attention.
Here’s how:
- Healthcare providers can register for the International Hyperhidrosis Society’s Hyperhidrosis Master Class in Patient Care and Practice Efficiency which will be held Nov. 5, 2022, in Charleston, SC. Attendees will learn best practices in hyperhidrosis diagnosis and management as well as the latest research related to excessive sweating. Hands-on treatment training will also be provided and eligible attendees will earn CME and a special designation in the IHhS’ Clinician Finder database.
- All month, share facts about hyperhidrosis and the International Hyperhidrosis Society through social media accounts, emails, and interactions with friends, family, healthcare providers, and others.
- Throughout November visit the our website,, and social media for more information to share and opportunities to participate:
We thank the 2022 sponsors, individual donors, and all who are supporting the global #HyperhidrosisAwarenessMonth: Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals, miraDry, Inc., TheraVida, Inc. and Candesant Biomedical. #KnowSweat #KnowSweat2022 #SoExtra